How long can I still use Expound theme safely ?

  • I have been using the Expound theme with great satisfaction and pleasure untill today. As it has been removed from the proposed list of themes, I understand that I have to move sooner or later to another theme.

    Do I have to move ASAP, or can I still use it a couple of weeks-months ?
    What would you recommend ?

    I did not received any notice of stopping Expound. Is there any place where I can check such events (for other themes to be removed) ?

    Thansk for your help

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, No notice is sent out about retired free themes because sites currently using the theme can continue to use it. If a theme is updated to a newer version you’ll see a notice in your site Dashboard.

    You can continue to use Expound for as long as you wish. Keep in mind however that retired themes like Expound are not updated to support WordPressdotcom’s newer features.

    Let us know if you have any other question.

  • You’ve very welcome.

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