How Exactly Does AdWords work?

  • Hi,

    Sorry about this, I have researched the WordAds program, however I am unsure how exactly it works.

    My first question is regarding revenue, at how many views will my blog start to earn money? I seen that you need thousands per month, but that was in regards to getting substantial amount of money. I would like to know a little more about what we, as bloggers have to do to work along side this program to maximise it’s uses. Is there anyone we can contact directly regarding this, or is it all automated?

    As well as that is there a way we can monitor it more specifically, like look at what posts are getting the ad views? Or again, is it all done behind the scenes and we don’t get to see this?

    What is the main differences from this and AdSense, can they run together? Or is there a particular one we should be using.

    Apologies for so many questions, but like everything, you want to know the smaller details before signing up for a program you are not familiar with.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, hopefully you can shed a light on this.

    Dictate The Game Team

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    at how many views will my blog start to earn money?

    We don’t give out the number at which you are approved for WordAds (with the Premium or Business Plan on, or Jetpack Premium and Professional you are approved automatically).

    You start earning from the very first impression, but ads pay only a few cents per impression so you’d need thousands of views a month to make any meaningful income. Advertisers bid in real time on ad slots on your site as people visit it, and whether they bid or not and how much depends on where the visitor is coming from. So a view does not necessarily equal an impression, and you don’t necessarily get paid the same amount for two different views.

    I would like to know a little more about what we, as bloggers have to do to work along side this program to maximise it’s uses.

    Produce good quality content. If your content is good, more people will visit your site and advertisers will be more likely to bid on that traffic. But if you have a site that just shares Youtube videos, for example, don’t expect to make much money even with hundreds of thousands of views a month.

    As well as that is there a way we can monitor it more specifically, like look at what posts are getting the ad views? Or again, is it all done behind the scenes and we don’t get to see this?

    We don’t even have that data. At the end of the month our advertising partners send us data on how many ads they showed at what rate, and that’s used to calculate your earnings. But as no two people visiting your site sees the same ads it would be quite impossible to show which ads displayed on which posts.

    What is the main differences from this and AdSense, can they run together?

    AdSense is Google’s advertising network. WordAds is our advertising program where we partner with various advertising networks, including AdSense, to show ads on your site. It is not possible to add AdSense itself to a site, and doing so would also be against the terms of service.

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