How do you remove a website link in your blogroll?

  • Hi! I just need to know how to remove a website link in my blogroll, the widget that shows the websites you follow which appears on the right side of my blog under the WordPress Theme Twenty Sixteen? I want to delete one of the sites that I feel I shouldn’t follow anymore.

    Your guide is just too general to answer my question :(.

    Please help! Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    The Blogroll Widget was deprecated in October 2021. According to staff member @kokkieh in a 10/15/2022 post in the forum topic Where is the blogroll widget?:

    The Links/Blogroll widget was deprecated in October last year, so it’s no longer available to add to a site on Sites that have it already can continue using it, but if you remove it you won’t be able to add it back.

    You’ll find other important information regarding the blogroll links and blogroll widget features in that post by @kokkieh, and in a recent post by @staff-totoro in the forum topic links won’t display.

    For those who already have the blogroll widget present on a site, I was unable to find a way to edit the links in the My Sites (Calypso) interface. However, the Links Manager is still present in the WP-Admin interface. On some themes, and possibly dependent on the date the site was created, a link to the manager is present in the WP-Admin admin menu, at “All Links” under the “Links” icon (see image below).

    In cases where the Links icon isn’t present in the WP-Admin admin menu, the Links manager may be reached by adding the extension wp-admin/link-manager.php to the site address.

  • The “Blogs I Follow Widget” may have also been deprecated because I find no support page for it anymore. However, I presume that it still works as before on sites where it’s already present. This widget displays a selected number of your followed sites, with the most recently followed at the top. Followed sites are listed in the Reader ( and may be managed at the Manage Followed Sites page (

    Relevant support pages:
    Following Blogs

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