How do you integrate multiple languages to a website?

  • I’m building a travel blog and information hub for travelers researching Thailand. My native language is English but I want to appeal to readers who may not know it well. Is there a plugin I need to do this so readers can avoid having to use a translation service on another page? When I was overseas, I noticed the end of the web address always ended in “.th”, even after inputting something like “”, and the native language remained Thai. So would it possibly apply to my website as well?

    Ignore the bareness of my blog. I bought a nice theme and domain but the changes haven’t been made live yet.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    There are many plugins that can do that. Here are a couple of popular ones:


    Translate WordPress and go Multilingual – Weglot

    Please note that you’ll need to upgrade to the Business or eCommerce plan to install plugins.

    Alternatively, you can follow our multilingual guide which isn’t as automatic as those plugins though.

    Set Up a Multilingual Site

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