How do you get chosen as Feature Blog for a category?

  • Is there a logical process as to how certain blog get chosen as the Feature Bog for a tag (category), I can understand if you are the only one posting on that category, but what if there’s many. How do they determine who gets to be the Feature Blog for that tag (category) for eg. Ghost story? If you are the chosen one, do you get to keep that spot permanently or do you have to work at it by posting more on that category?

  • They won’t tell, but the best we’ve been able to figure is if you have the most posts in that category.

  • Thanks, your answer does make sense, I guess pretty much stick with the same category. Another one that puzzled me is the Blog of the Minute. I’m thinking that this is at random, I was chosen 2x but I don’t know what I did, and don’t think my posts was special in anyway.

  • Usually it’s the top-ranking blog on WordPress that day, but for April 1st the guys set it to feature each of us when we checked.

  • I’m not quiet sure if I understand what you mean by top-ranking. Mine was on 4/7/07, it stayed as Blog of the Minute for about 2 hours or so. If it was chosen because of top-ranking, I’m not sure how I got there. I didn’t notice the April 1st.

  • Top ranking means most hits that day, plus or minus some fiddling behind the scenes that WordPress won’t tell us about. Your hits must have been good that day.

  • I do believe that the Feature blog function on the category/tag pages has been broken” for some time now. At one time it featured the blog that had the most posts in a given category but that has not been the case for a couple of months. I conclude that fixing it is somewhere on the staff priority list and will eventually rise to the top.

  • Thanks guys, I guess they want us to keep guessing, I’m okay with that. I don’t have to know everything. :)

  • Tens and Twenties ;)

  • Tens and Twenties ;) …You talk in riddle, I don’t understand…lol; So, you are saying that it’s at random for the Blog of the Minute, sort of like winning a lottery, or more like winning a spot, right?

  • Hey another Charlotte, NC person :)

    Tens and Twenties as in bribes of ten and twenty dollar bills.

    We’re not sure what the ranking system is here at Staff won’t tell us. They have mentioned that they have a way to override what’s there if a stafff member comes across a blog of interest though.

  • Gee, Thanks for the intro, I feel kind of stupid now, just for the record, most North Carolinian are a bit brighter than me…lol.

    Thanks for explaining, my blog only stayed as Blog of the Minute for about 2-3 hours max, but I’ve noticed that our current ‘Blog of the Minute:’ has been there all day today, might still be there tomorrow. I think how long you stay there probraly depends on the number of hits.

  • Probably but staff aren’t about to tell us the details because if they did then there would be bloggers who would try to “game” the system.

  • You didn’t notice this on April 1st by any chance, did you? That was a trick played on us by staff.

  • @DrMike:
    Try reading the thread you posted in ;)

  • @drmike

    They also are able to override in the opposite direction.

    Matt decided my blogs were not interesting so they don’t show them any more.

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