How do I Shorten my posts

  • to where someone can click onto a (…) and it will take them to the entire post. I am sure people get tired of scrolling everywhere.


  • just press the more tag in your text editor when writing a post… i see a more tag in my text editor but i’m not using the rich text editor so the tag may look different… i guess you have to press one button by one to find out if you’re using rich text? personally i hate those more tags cos i have to load the post in a separate tab and it’s annoying not to mention time consuming when one uses dialup like moi

  • Make sure you are using the advanced/WSIWYG editor.

    Write your complete post as normal then move your cursor to where you want to put the (…) bit.

    On the editor toolbar, click the split post button: two white part rectangles with a dotted line between them.

    Save your post.

    When you view your blog entry you will see a shortened post with a ‘read more bit’, just like you want. I don’t know whether the style of the ‘read more bit’ changes between themes or not.

  • Thank you cubby cave and sulz. I did it.


  • That’s exactly what I needed! My posts are quite long, and I’m sure my readers don’t want to scroll for ages to read the next post on my front page! Thanks to you both for that great tip!

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