How do I select frequency of posts from other blogs

  • I no longer can figure out how to select whether I want to receive notifications instantly, daily, weekly from the blogs I follow. Last time I did this, I just clicked on manage and voila, a list came up with the options available. Now it only seems to permit follow or not follow.

    A new subscription came with a message saying go to ‘subscription dashboard’. yeah. Where?? I understand that all the changes are supposed to make it easier to work with wordpress, but so far, for me, each change has made it more difficult. Hence, I use the old dashboard still for posting, as I am better able to mostly predict how it will turn out. But if I can’t figure out how to limit my email traffic to how I want it, then I will have to unsubscribe to all of them. HELP please!

    Carol Stephen

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Thanks. Bear with me. How do I find that from the dashboard under WP Admin? I was looking in the left hand menu and I can see it is not there. I find a variation of it under the drop down beneath my photo but not quite the same. Even so, both of them seem to be global settings giving me one selection choice to apply to all of the followed blogs. The link you gave me lets me choose. The one I find under photo shows that I subscribe for Tuesday deliveries. But some I had been following daily and others weekly. Is that option no longer available?

  • You go to your blavatar on the top right hand corner of the Admin bar. Hover there and then click the notifications. You end up on this page and you click the “Reader Subscriptions” link on the top of the page.

  • Thanks, timethief. I think I was actually at the same place, just had not quite read all of the selections the first time, so thought I had two different places I was seeing. Am I right though, that now the selection is a global one? I had tried to space out the number of email notices that arrive at one time, and this seems to make that no longer possible…

  • In this case I think we need Staff to clarify. I will type modlook into the sidebar tags on this thread for Staff help. How do I get a Moderator/Staff reply for my question? Then please subscribe to this thread so you are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

  • I think I am already subscribed. Receiving notifications by email already.

    Thanks for the help timethief. Time I broke out the how to books again I think.

  • I think I am already subscribed. Receiving notifications by email already.

    Yes that mean you are subscribed. :)

  • Hi, Carol

    You still manage subscriptions for individual blogs by going to the Reader and clicking on Manage next to Followed Sites, but the interface has changed a little. Here is the direct link for that particular page:

    On that page, click on the arrow to the left of the site title. Then click the “switch” next to Emails for new posts to ON, and then you’ll see the options to have emails delivered instantly, daily or weekly. You can also disable email notifications for specific posts the same way.

    You can see here exactly how it looks now:

    Let me know if that’s not what you were looking for, or if you have more questions about this.

  • Thanks. Even with the instructions it still took me a few minutes to figure it out. I was looking at the left of the page and at the top of the page for an arrow, figuring “site” meant WordPress. I see know it means each individual blog I follow. Got it now, thanks again!

  • Sorry if my instructions were still a bit unclear :)

    I’m glad you managed to figure it out, though. Happy blogging :)

  • kokkieh, I imagine it was more me not understanding than your explanation. Thanks again.

  • You’re very welcome :)

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