How do I post certain project types on seperate 'child pages'?

  • Just starting out here, but I’m having trouble with adding certain project types to seperate ‘child’ pages of my ‘works’ page. I want to have the website set out in such a way that one can flit between my prose, poetry and essays (all with their own seperate child pages) and then also have the option to see the most recent additions (in no particular order or category) on the ‘works’ main page.

    I’m also having issues with creating the child pages themselves, as I can only create and see them in the ‘menus’ section of the ‘my page’ menu. They appear on the website itself, but there doesn’t seem to be any editing options which support what I’m going for here. Tried assigning types and tags to the projects and child pages, but I’m still having trouble with actually embedding the content in this way.

    Sorry for the barrage of questions but I really couldn’t be any more lost.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • When you create new project types, a page is automagically created that shows all projects under that project type. For a breakdown of the different addresses for viewing projects, check out this page: projects

    I hope this addresses your question. Please let me know if I can help you further.

  • I have already looked at that page and unfortunately it says nothing about actually embedding a project type on to a ‘child page’, and there seems to be very limited editing options for these types of pages. I cannot use the method stated on that support page as I cannot change the slug/address. Please refer to the second paragraph of my issue description.

  • Ok, help us help you. Can you explain what you mean by embedding a project type on a child page, maybe provide an example? I think there is a little miscommunication with terminology.

    Second, is your limitation in using the article I referred because you can’t change the slugs?

  • Hold that thought, I’ve managed to change the child page address to the specific project-type link but unfortunately it lists the projects under the types I have made in full rather than as summaries with links (which is the way which I would like it to be). I’m looking for it to be like the ‘works’ page in layout which was achieved using the [portfolio] shortcode. If you compare my ‘prose’ page to my ‘works’ page then I think that might help.

    Thanks for your help so far,


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