How do I make my thumbnails into a slide show when clicked?

  • I am not sure if I am asking this questions right but this is what I want to do. I have seen it on other wordpress blogs so I know it can be done I just dont know how.

    Right now I make a new post and insert my pics and publish it. When you read the blog you can click on the image in the post and it will pull up a larger image. If you click the back button it will take you back to the blog. If there are 4 pics in the post and you click on the first thumbnail and it appears in the new screen how do I get this to be a slide show that you can scroll through all 4 pics in the blog from the new screen instead of having to hit the back button and then click on the next image and so on?

    I’m not sure what this is called. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You are describing a gallery which display thumbnails as full sized images in the Carousel.

    That’s not the same as creating a slidehow. >

    And it’s not the same as using a theme with a slider. You can see a list of all the themes at that have post sliders here:

    These four have a slider that automatically advances:
    On Demand
    Modularity Lite <– free

  • If there are 4 pics in the post and you click on the first thumbnail and it appears in the new screen how do I get this to be a slide show that you can scroll through all 4 pics in the blog from the new screen instead of having to hit the back button and then click on the next image and so on?

    The answer is you can’t diable the Carousel – sorry.

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