How Do I Make Comments Display In Reverse Chronological Order?

  • I’m trying to build some sort of “classifieds” page in here
    where viewers of my blog can post classified ads using the comments feature. The problem is that comments display in chronological order (oldest first) by default, and I would like to display them newest first. I know the current default makes sense for comments because new comments build on older ones, but classifieds are independent of each other.
    Any idea on how can I do this?

  • Sorry but it cannot be changed here. We at are all on a shared blogging platform. If you could change this on your blog for your theme it would affect us all.

    If you download a free copy of a wordpress theme to your own server or throgh a blog host you could achieve this over here at but not where you are now at

  • Thanks for the quick reply timethief, I appreciate it. Let me push it a little bit: can I handle these classifieds as regular posts within a particular category, but somehow not display this category in the “newest posts” so they don’t interfere with the posts in my main page? or even further, can I start a new blog just for the classifieds and then somehow embed all that’s posted in that blog into one of my pages or categories (like RSS but displayed in the main page rather than the sidebar)? I know I may be pushing it too much but just want to check if there is no possible way I can do this at all…

  • regarding your first query, your classifieds cannot not appear in newer posts, unless

    a) you don’t include the latest post widget in your sidebar, which means none of your recent posts will be shown or

    b) you manipulate your classified dates to be older than your recent posts, so that it won’t appear in the latest post widget in your sidebar if you have that.

    for your second query, you can make a new blog just for your classifieds, but i don’t know how to ’embed’ it or if it’s possible to your other blog. but you can definitely add the rss feed to your other blog, with the rss widget in your sidebar, or inserting the rss feed url in your pages, but i don’t know if it will appear like how it does in the sidebar.

  • for your second query, you can make a new blog just for your classifieds, but i don’t know how to ’embed’ it or if it’s possible to your other blog.

    If you had a website that supports FRAMES hosted somewhere other than, you could embed your blog in a frame and make it appear to be all the same website.

    You won’t be able to embed something into your blog though. And you definitely can’t use FRAMES with

    I haven’t found a way to embed an RSS feed on to a static page and not the sidebar, which is too bad because that would be really neat.

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