How do I link a printable to my blog I found through another blogger?

  • I recently found a free printable on Pinterest and used it for an event. I took pictures of that event and want to do a blog post. First of all, is it ok to post pictures with that free printable? Second of all, if I can post that picture, how can I link that picture back to the blog that originally posted the free printable?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • What is a “printable?”

    Ask the person who created whatever it is if you have permission to share it like this. The fact that someone is giving something away does not necessarily give YOU the right to do it.

  • The printable was a chalkboard style page with subway art.
    The blogger made it for for a party then advertised it as freebie on her blog for the masses to use. I then used the printable for my event. It was merely a decoration in my photo. I thought it would be a great idea, when I post my event photo, to say hey what a cute printable, this website is where it came from and this is where I got it and where you can get it! My intentions are to assign a way for the next person to like the idea a way back to original blog it came from from.

  • Then just use a thumbnail-sized image and link it to the original page.

  • I’m betting that’s great advice but I could use more details please. I’m just starting out with my blog and I’m not real sure what you are suggesting I do. I understand what a thumbnail image is but I’m not familiar with how to link it to the original page. I would love anymore advice you can provide! Seriously, thank you so much for helping me out!

  • I know I’m blog illiterate. It has taken me hours to figure out what others would describe as the simplest things. I really just want to give credit where credit is due when I post a picture of an event I’ve done but used a freebie from another blogger. I just really need the details of how to accomplish that. I mean every last detail or maybe direct me to the support or forum that explains it in details.

  • Put the credit in the caption

  • Here is the support document about making an image link:
    If you want the link in your sidebar, then study the articles linked here:

  • Thank you, I’ll check that out!

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