How do I get that music to stop playing?

  • Okay, here’s an easy one. When I click on Blogs I Follow, it plays Christmas music. I did choose snow, but it never played music before (nor did I wish it to). It does not work because I’m keeping an eye out for new posts but I use the speakers for instructional videos much of the day. Setting to turn it off, where do I find that?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Do they have snow falling on them?

  • Oh my! You mean here >
    I actually like it and I usually hate autoplay music. You can just turn the sound off on your speakers. Did you try that?

  • I need the speakers on for instructional videos I am using and creating. The music plays over that. No good. Is there or isn’t there a way to turn this off?

  • I don’t know of a way to do that so I tagged this thread for a Staff response when I posted above.

  • P.S. If you do not have a browser tab open to then the issue will not manifest, right?

  • Thanks Timethief. I appreciate it!

  • That is correct. As a side note though, as I mentioned the reason I do want to keep it open is I look forward to taking breaks from my work when the “1” or “2” pops up to show me my friends have posted something new. I think that’s the whole point of the +1 function.

  • There’s a blog in your Reader that has a soundcloud song set to autoplay:

    I will let the developers at know about this issue so they can look into it further.

  • Ah, ok! Wow, I didn’t know a blog could do that!! I can unsubscribe. I’ll let you know if it works just FYI.

  • You might want to let the blogger know that’s why you are unsubscribing.

  • Jackie, hi. I unsubscribed. But (another MAJOR issue I’m having on WordPress) I won’t know until tomorrow if it works, because WordPress on the iPad no longer functions correctly. Ever since WP changed the Reader to “View Original” where we’re forced to read our neighbor’s posts in the Reader, I can only get to my friend’s websites using the following methods:

    1. Turn on the regular “big computer” or laptop and use that

    2. Use the iPad and Google their names. Which can take a looking time depending on how generic their blog sounds.

    It’s a shame because my neighbors have designed their blogs specifically for us and to work in tandem with what they’re posting, and I despise the new reader. I really hate that we are forced to do multiple clicks just to see their websites we all worked hard to design. I especially hate that my readers may choose to skip going to my actual website as well.

    Anyway again, hardly anything works in the iPad since the “View Original” switch, and I would love to know if there’s a way to switch that off too.

    Thanks, all.

  • @Raincoaster

    I don’t plan to. He is a good guy but he’s also always pushing the fact that he’s SELLING SOMETHING and this was the absolute last straw. So obnoxious.

  • Ps thanks to the Happiness Engineers for getting back so quick and figuring out what that was. It was the same song over and over also it was really LOUD, LOL he had the speakers set on eleven! :D

    Thanks Timethief too for the quick response.

  • Ps just to clarify my comment, my (former) neighbor’s blog music won’t play on the iPad, as again many functions now only work on a regular PC.

  • Please note that you can view blogs (and the Reader) on an iPad or iPhone using the Safari or Chrome browsers for iOS as well as the dedicated WordPress app.

    These will give you different viewing experiences, so if you’re used to using one method, you might try the other to see if that improves your experience.

  • Hi Jackiedana –

    My iPad is quite old. It has some trouble where it won’t download any of that new stuff. Hard to explain, it’s just having some glitches right now.

    I did download the WordPress app. When it was not working properly, I was told by WordPress staff that the app was for editing posts only, not viewing.

  • It is non-optimal for viewing posts, I’ll say that.

  • The app is for both viewing posts and for creating new content, though many people still prefer the regular Reader through a browser.

  • My iPad is a version 1or 2, just to clarify.

    So if I use the app, will it allow me to see my neighbor’s posts after 2 or 3 clicks? Even on our best, most updated computer, I now have to click a bunch of times to see the blogs I subscribe to. It never used to say “view original”, now on the iPad I can’t figure out how to see the primary blog without Googling the name.

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