How do I get rid of blogspot?

  • Hi,
    I can’t activate my blog (in spite of the link in my e-mail) so I’d like to get rid of it and start afresh. Since my e-mail address is stored I can’t just do a double. How do I remove the present one? No matter what I do I end up on the page that says my blog isn’t activated, so I’m running around in circles

  • Unfortunately you can’t remove the email address that you’ve used already, it’s stuck there.

    What happens when you try to activate the blog?

  • If I understand correctly, you can’t even log in far enough to send in a feedback, correct? I would contact them directly and explain in detail what the issue is for assistance.

    Good luck,

  • Hello, thank you for the swift reply. You’re right there, drmike, I can’t even log in to send a feedback – makes me feel like I’m going round in circles like a headless chicken . It was a good lesson in handling frustration :-).

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