How do I disable daily email notifications about plugins not tested lately?

  • Hello!

    I have a WordPress page that is using a couple of plugins. Everything works well, however, I keep getting emails daily about plugins on my WordPress site that have not been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress.

    You have plugins on your WordPress site at *my site* that have not been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress

    It’s getting annoying receiving these every single day, which leads me here. – Is there any way to disable these specific emails, without also disabling emails about automatic updates or that kind of stuff?

  • Hello there,

    Apologies, but we can’t help with your issue directly because we don’t host your site on our managed hosting.

    At, we provide a fully managed hosting service with a custom server environment that is specifically optimized for WordPress. Our managed hosting service offers built-in security and performance improvements, along with in-house support for any questions or issues you may have with your site.

    We want you to know that you always have the option to migrate your site to, where we can provide you with in-house help to ensure that your website is running smoothly. We have an easy-to-use migration plugin (, which you can use to migrate your site to

    Please note that this feature is only available for Business plan users.

    We understand that moving your site may seem like a daunting task, but we believe that the benefits of our fully managed hosting service far outweigh the effort involved in migrating your site. With our optimized server environment and customized version of WordPress, you’ll have access to the best possible hosting service for your WordPress website.

    However, if you choose not to migrate your site to, don’t worry! We want to make sure you still receive the help you need. The good news is that the open-source WordPress forums are available to provide you with support. The folks in that forum are experts in WordPress and are in the best position to help you with any issues you may be experiencing.

    We hope this information is helpful, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!

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