How do I design a layout for my blog posts?

  • I have come to a crossroad with my blog posts and I am afraid to continue on. I have a “Welcome” post which I would like to permanently make the first post visitors can view (on the homepage). As of right now, because it was the first created post, it keeps getting pushed back. Do I constantly have to change the “Welcome” posts’ published date each time I create a new post? Is this the only format/design/layout that my chosen theme “Booklet” supports? Please advice. At this point, any ideas are welcomed. Thank you kindly!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    I have a “Welcome” post which I would like to permanently make the first post…

    This may be accomplished by making that a sticky post, and by making no other posts sticky. See the Sticky Posts section of the Post Visibility support page for relevant information and instructions.

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