How do I delete comments already on my comments page?

  • How can I delete comments that should not have come to my blog site in the first place? A few months ago, I commented (via Discus) on an article at the CNN Webpage. In my comment, I referred interested readers to a post related to that subject on my blog, providing them with the URL. Well, somebody visited my blog for that essay; and, lo and behold, my comment and a whole passel of comments from others (who were not responding to my CNN comment) appeared, eating up a bunch of Mbs. I want to delete all those comments, including my own.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can locate and delete any and all comments you approved on your own blog. That’s not the case on anyone else’s blog.

  • Your approved comments are found at this link
    Hover over the comment and click the “Trash” link to delete it.

  • Thank you d. for your assistance. When I looked at the apparently present comments I did not see the comments reflected in my question. They had disappeared once before, on their own volition, and I had thought they must be gone forever; but then they popped up earlier this afternoon when I was looking through the comments page. Now they are gone again. WEIRD! I do not understand how such a phenomenon can occur, and I do not see any way of pursuing this issue any further. I will just have to learn to avoid leaving my URL in any comments at another location. Sorry to have bothered you. LOL, Bob.

  • That`s extremely weird. Please post a link to the post this weird comment thing happened on here and Staff will look into this. Then subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • I am not positive about which of my posts I referred the CNN Webpage readers to, but it was probably the one I titled “Twilight of the People” at this URL:

    I do not see any “subscribe to the thread” spot on this page, but there is a box with the message “Notify me of follow-up posts via e-mail” beside it: That has already been checked.

    I hope this helps, but if it does not then there is nothing else I can offer.

    I appreciate your diligence anyway.


  • Hi, D. —

    Here it is 4:00 a.m., and I was checking my comments, and there was that comment I don’t want to exist — the one that keeps appearing and disappearing. It is (right now) at the bottom of the page AND IT DOES DEAL WITH “TWILIGHT OF THE PEOPLE”. Here is the URL, if that helps.
    Bob Litton

  • Here is the whole comment plus those from all those other readers of the CNN article. (Actually, WordPress — or SOMEBODY — states that 60 other comments were deleted…I’m grateful for that!) Don’t know why I did not think of copy-and-pasting in the first place.

    Poll: Tea Party’s favorable numbers take a hit by bryankoenig

    J Robinson said 1 month ago:
    Although I have leaned Democrat most of my life, I have decided to join the Republican Party in Virginia in an effort to diminish the influence of the tea party. This hateful and reactionary bunch is an evil force that needs to be contained and marginalized as much as possible.

    You said 1 month ago:
    “Liberal Republican”? That looks like an oxymoron to me. “Moderate Republican” I can imagine, although those folks seem either to have been driven out of politics or are sidelined. And those who might call themselves “Moderate Republicans” are more appropriately seen as “Conservatives who have painted themselves into a corner and have enough sense remaining to realize that fact”.

    omeany said 1 month ago:
    ok so $15 BILLION dollars later the GOP induced crisis is finally at an end. How is this fiscally responsible you hypocrites? This had nothing to do with what the American people want. We voted for president Obama…TWICE. We don’t want the GOP’s rancid policies. Take the hint and quit obstructing. Get to work with the president creating jobs and actually doing things that will help our economy.

    KCheek said 1 month ago:
    Time that the moderate Republicans (and blue democrats) break out and form their own (a 3rd) party – call it the Reagan Party or something ; -] The remaining republican party will be made of right wing fringe, semi-automatic gun owners, and Fox TV News watching fools. Need the third party to bridge gap between other two parties, and I honestly think these moderate Republicans/Dems are missing the proverbial boat to stand up and not only get re-elected, but also win the upcoming elections.

    …60 skipped…

    Behjat said 1 month ago:
    I’m glad they finally decided to end the fight that lasted too long and a lot of innocent people who suffered as a result of it can go back, and government can pay its bills. But this is a temporary answer to a big problem. Befor we know, January will be here and they will fight their childish fight again. At least, the tea party members were thought a lesson to know enough is enough.

    jcinter said 1 month ago:
    I am an old GOPer, voted for Nixon, Reagan and Bush-41. But today’s GOP is not the one I used to konw. It is full of cry babies who can NOT resolve anything with intellegence, dignity, power and wealth. The real GOP resolves issues during normal congressional sessions, not until the 11th hour. Only the Dems welfarers would behave like non-educated mobs in the congress.
    But the Tea Baggers in this new GOP are worse than those non-educated welfare mobs. They are like bunch of spoiled stupid kids sitting on the Wal Mart floor demanding 100 pounds of candy for each. They ended up getting spanked by their parents then left the store empty handed with tears in their eyes. If GOP wants to be a respectable real national political party, drop these Tea Baggers, NOW.

    Julian said 1 month ago:
    It’s interesting – the more the people learn about the Tea Party the lower their ratings get. The GOP needs to stop them from taking over Republican seats. If they are a Party then thet should stand for election as a party – they should not be infiltrating by ousting moderates.

    Reply to thread »

  • On the link

    You are seeing comments you have made elsewhere (and other people’s comments on the same post), not comments on your own blog.

    That is also what you have posted in your most recent reply.

  • I know that.

    Thanks anyway.



  • @boblitton, I’m not sure I understand your question. If you made a comment somewhere, we will show it to you on the page I linked, which is really just a courtesy/record-keeping kind of thing. No one else can see that. If the comment still exists on a live site, it will show up there and it cannot be deleted.

    If you wish to actually delete a comment made elsewhere, you will need to contact that blog for assistance.

    If that still doesn’t help, please restate your question so I can further assist you.

  • A while ago, I wrote a lengthy narrative relating the history of my “comments” problem.

    When I clicked on the “send” button, an “Oops!” message from Outlook or Google (cannot remember which) popped up saying it was necessary for me to clean out the “cache” and “cookies” (I never have bothered to find out what either of those are).

    The important thing here is that that “Oops!” message wiped out my reply to you, and I am too tired and disgusted from the Internet issues I have encountered today to rewrite the reply.

    Just let it go.


  • I have just figured out where part of the problem lies:

    There are two blog locations for “comments”: one is for comments from other bloggers to my posts and the other is a record of the “Comments I have made”. It is the latter spot where my comment on that CNN article settled in to roost permanently, along with that of the commenter just prior to me and the whole slough of commenters after me.

    I just now deleted all the comments from other bloggers in the first spot; that was easy. But it is the comments in the “Comments I Have Made” section that I would have much preferred to delete, but the system will not allow me to do so. Shame! The comments about Edith Villiers have little to nothing to do with any of my blog posts, and the CNN mishmash is just a bunch of ephemeral political tomahawking, but I am stuck with it.

    You need to give WP bloggers an option for deleting those “Comments I Have Made” items.

  • The “comments I have made” section is a list of the comments you have made on other blogs using your account. As I mentioned earlier, we display those as a courtesy to you, and they are only viewable in this format by you. You can think of it like a bank statement showing you where you have purchased items.

    If you want to remove items from there, you will need to request that your comments be deleted on the blogs in question, not with us.

  • I apologize for the perplexity I created for you and for the waste of your time. Thanks for the attention.

    Bob Litton

  • No worries, it wasn’t a waste of time at all. I hope everything’s clearer for you now. :)

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