How Do I Default Delete All Image Borders?

  • Hi,

    Wordpress removed the tool button which adds or removes borders on blog images. So I have been adding a manual statement into the text for each image – style=”border: 0;” – for each image I use. I keep reading that there is a ‘setting’ where you can turn borders for images on and off. But I have yet to find this setting.

    A Master CSS Style statement does not appear to override this setting. So I am stuck with borders or having to manually insert code each time I insert an image.

    Can I get some help on that?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there!

    It looks as though there are some advanced setting available that can be accessed in your WP Admin dashboard that may achieve the results you are looking for.

    Here is some further information on how to reach your WP Admin dashboard and furthermore access these advanced settings to edit your images and remove their borders before publishing them on your posts/pages:

    Since the directions outlined kind of jump to the advanced settings section I will quickly walk you through how I was able to get there.

    Once on your WP Admin dashboard, access a page or post that you would like to embed an image on. Once on the page/post insert the image, and once the image is embedded in the content area of the page select it and hit the pencil icon to edit. Once on the Image Details screen you will see a drop down for Advanced Settings just below the Display Settings, hit the arrow beside it and there you have it! Set the width to 0 and you should be good to go.

    Keep in mind these settings will only apply to that particular image so you may have to go back through each page and post to adjust these settings manually for all other images already embedded.

    Hopefully this helps!


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