How do I change the share photo

  • Hi, two part question:

    1) how do I edit what picture is being displayed when I share the site url via text or Facebook? Currently it is pulling in a photo from the testimonials

    2) is it possible to remove the tweet and share via Facebook from the pages that aren’t the homepage?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    1 – Try setting a featured image. You can do that on the document settings. Once you’ve got that, can you update us here? We’ll take a look.

    2 – Sure thing. That’s also on the document settings for each page.

    Add Social Share Buttons

    Let us know if you need help with any of this!

  • Thanks!

    1 – When I do this, it puts the featured image behind the entire header and duplicates the Cover image which I don’t want. I played with it a bit and added a media block so that now when I copy and paste the link in Facebook it is showing a good image. When I copy and paste it into text messages it is still pulling in the testimonial photo.

    2 – This worked great – thanks!!!

  • Hi rwp212351539,

    When I do this, it puts the featured image behind the entire header and duplicates the Cover image which I don’t want

    Oh, would you be able to make a screenshot of what is happening and upload it to your Media Library? I just want to see exactly what is happening on your side :)

  • Well it appears that entering the featured image then deleting it actually changed the image to the share link so I guess it actually worked!

  • That’s good news! If you run into any more trouble, feel free to make a screenshot and we’ll be happy to take another look.

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