How do I change the names of links?

  • I want to put a link somewhere on my Blog that leads to a page I made,but I want to rename it…how do I do that?

  • Well, if you’re talking about the text that is the link, it’s just whatever the text says. So you would just edit that. But if you’re talking about the little box of text that appears when you hover over a link, then you can edit that most easily in the visual editor (the tab on the editor that gives you the little pictures of chain links, among other things.). You highlight the link and then click the unbroken chain link to edit the name. Am I answering the right question? :-?

    [Edit:] If you’re talking about a link in the sidebar somewhere, that can go either in your pages widget (presentation –> widgets) or perhaps a text widget, and for the latter you’ll have to look at the html underlying a link somewhere to see how to “name” it. For the former, you edit it under manage–>pages.

  • Let me explain myself a little better (I tend to be a little vague every know and again ^_^” ) : lets just say I want to make a link to a site show up as “click here” , how do I change the way the link looks? or more appropriately how do I change what the link says without changing where it goes?

  • I may still not be getting the question, but it sounds like you’re asking how to create a link in your text. In the editor, just highlight the text (e.g., “click here”) you want to be a link, then click the “link” button in the “code” editor, or the unbroken chain link button in the “visual” editor, and insert the URL to which you want to link. You can go back and change it later if need be by again highlighting the text, then clicking the unbroken chainlink and editing. (or in the code editor, just find the text and rewrite the portion in question) Closer? :-/

  • all right,thank you for the help =) .

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