How do I add Zemanta to blogs with Google Chrome?

  • I have used Zemanta on my two blogs. I use Google Chrome. Recently Zemanta disappeared. But Google Chrome extensions shows Zemanata as enabled & active. Please advise how I can re-activate Zemanta on

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, it looks like Zemanta integration has been removed. Checkout the announcement post here that contains some helpful links.

  • @marshadurham are you saying that you already have the Zemanta browser extension enabled in Chrome, but are unable to use it while creating/editing Posts and Pages on WordPressdotcom? What screen on WordPressdotcom are you on when you try to use the browser extension? Are you browsing in Incognito mode?

  • Jamie, I remember when Zemanta was removed from WordPress, but recently, I’ve been using it on my blogs–then it has mysteriously disappeared.

    Jennifer, 1) Yes I have the Zemanta browser extension enabled in Chrome but can’t use it because it doesn’t show up. 2) I try to use it when I’m writing a new post, i.e., my homepage. 3) No, not browsing incognito. Tried checking incognito box on Chrome extension screen and it made no difference.

    For what it’s worth, I was also in touch with Zemanta recently, and the people there seemed to think it would be easy to reinstate it for my blogs. But haven’t heard back from them.

    I like Zemanta because it provides a good choice of free photos to choose from, which beats having to go searching for visual material.

  • 1) Yes I have the Zemanta browser extension enabled in Chrome but can’t use it because it doesn’t show up. 2) I try to use it when I’m writing a new post, i.e., my homepage. 3) No, not browsing incognito.

    I am not aware that WordPressdotcom is actively blocking the Zemanta browser extension from working on the site. After all, we’re talking about a browser extension, not the former integration. Regardless, I’ve tagged this for Staff input.

  • Hey there Marsha,

    When was the last time you used the extension on your blog? The last report of it really working was about a year and half ago and from the looks of it, Zemanta stopped updating the extension several months ago. Most other blogging platforms (i.e. Blogger) are having problems with the extension and it appears they have closed down support as well.

    Unfortunately, whatever functionality the extension currently has is the most you’ll get from it.

  • @staff-doublebassd – thanks for digging deeper. The reviews for the Zemanta extension in the Chrome store also shows this as well. :/

  • Thanks Darnell and Jennifer. Sad that the extension is gone because it was an easy way to get some great images. But with your searching, at least I know it’s not just me who was having problems.

  • You’re quite welcome.

    Of course if I get any updates regarding the extension, I’ll update the thread.


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