How do I access my daily Archive list?

  • I want to be able to see how many people actually opened a blog post. I know that when a reader first clicks on the blog they get the most recent blog post. But I have no idea how many people actually accessed a post.

    I have over 400 followers. But, for example today I had 228 views by 190 visitors. Of those visitors 76 views were in Archives, but I have no idea which articles were viewed by how many individuals. I do know what other articles were viewed by how many people because they are individually listed which is helpful.

    Knowing what the 76 Archive views involved which posts would help me to know in what subjects my readers actually were interested.

    Thanks for any help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Unfortunately we have no way of showing that data.

    Archive views in stats can refer to your main posts page, tag, category, author or date archives, or search result pages. On each of those archives we only load a stat tracking pixel for the archive page itself, not for every individual post that appears on that archive page, so we literally don’t have the data on which specific posts appeared on that archive page, and was viewed by the visitor.

    Post-specific views are only recorded if someone loads the single-post view for that post in their browser, or opens the post to read in the Reader.

    Google Analytics (available via our Pro plan) should allow you to track which specific archive pages people viewed, which would help narrow things down, but I don’t think it’s able to track the specific posts that appeared on the archive pages either.

    So the only alternative option I can suggest is to only display excerpts of your posts on the archive pages, which would force users to click through to the single post view, giving you more accurate data.

    (Your theme doesn’t have an option to display excerpts automatically, so you’d need to do it manually by adding the more-block to each individual post: )

  • Thanks for your reply.

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