How can my WordPress URL, be a phishing scam

  • I have received comments from followers, saying there is something wrong with my URL. My URL is:

    The last comment I received said, “There is something strange happening with the link to your blog – I keep getting a warning that it is a phishing site !”

    Can someone look at my URL & tell me how to resolve this problem…

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there. I can’t see anything wrong when I view your blog. Neither my browser nor my antivirus issues any warnings.

    It could be that the readers who reported that issue have a security plugin that is flagging your site for some reason. For example, it could be that someone flagged a real phishing site and now your blog just happens to be using the same IP address, causing it to be flagged as well. I don’t know if there’s anything that can be done about that.

    Ask them to disable any security and/or antivirus plugins they have in their browsers and check if they still get the warning to help narrow down the source of the warning. If it turns out it is one of those plugins causing this, I’d mark it as a false positive, if the antivirus software has that option.

  • Do you hotlink images? if you hotlink from an insecure site, this could be causing the problem.

  • I added http to my blog. I think, it’s okay now. Thanks

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