How can I share one of several blogs by way of invite without sharing all blogs

  • I have several private (for the moment) blogs. I want to share my Family History blog with family members by means of invite only. How can I do this without also giving access to my other blogs.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • In settings you can change the status of each blog individually, between public, public but not search engines, and private. This is under the blog’s Settings – Reading – look for “Site Visibility” which is about the fifth thing.

  • Great. Thank you. (I spent a long time looking for the answer to this problem and thought I would have to open a separate email address) I did what you said and sent the invite to a family member who received it on her iPad. It looks good. However I now have another problem. The blog shows up but with no feed – only a message saying “it seems we can’t find what you are looking for”. I suspect she has to download an app for the RSS feed but not sure if that correct and not sure what app she needs.

  • Glad it helped! :) I don’t know about apps for RSS – I’d suggest making that a new thread on here, so people see a title relevant to the question.

    You could begin by exploring the Reading settings but that’s just a guess on my part.

  • Thanks again for your help. I figured it out. I had to make each post public – I had them all private, while changing the site visibility as you said.

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