How can I set the text in the TD auto width?

  • Hi everyone,

    I know quite some things about CSS and wordpress, but with this issue I’m not getting any further, despite googling.

    I frequently use tables on my (, but usually with a small width.
    My code is very pure: <table><tr><td>

    I’ve been playing with the { table-layout: auto; } but this doesn’t give the any effect.

    I would like to aut0 set the width of the cell according to the width of the text.
    How can I do this?

    See my screenshots, of which 2a is photoshopped.

    Hope you can give me any tips!


  • Hi there,

    Your site is not hosted with us on, nor are you using any of our themes, so we’re not really able to help with this.

    As this is more of a general CSS question rather than a WordPress-specific one, a coding forum like might be the best place to ask for help with this.

    But also try contacting support for the theme you’re using – they might be able to help.

    General support for the version of WordPress you’re using can be found here:

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