How Can I Make the Featured Photo in Russell Theme smaller size I upload?

  • The featured photo in the Russell Theme shows up on my site very large…On a mobile phone it looks like a comfortable size, but viewing the site on the laptop the featured image is giant even though I’ve uploaded them as Medium size.
    Please let me know if there’s a way to adjust the featured image size or display in the” Russell” theme and how to do that, thank you so much! Everything else looks great.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there Jade, were you able to resolve this already? The images seem to be a pretty normal size here on my side, but if you want to edit those further, you could experiment with columns and what not to reduce the size of the image box. That would require some Full Site Editing, which can be a bit intense! But we have a guide here:

    Full Site Editing is a whole new world with frequent updates, so if you’re interested, I’d recommend joining one of our webinars, too:

  • Hi @staff-quasir

    I think what @jadenicolebee was referring to are the Featured Images on the Single post template, not the Index template (which looks fine).

    For instance, if you look at her Single post, here:
    …the Featured Image appears very large.

    This seems to be a universal and unfortunate issue associated with FSE themes, of which I’ve tried several – each requiring an image to fit within a predefined column width (e.g., in the Twenty Twenty-Two theme, it’s either 650px of 1000px wide, per user assignment in the Index template).

    As such, particularly when a portrait-oriented (vertical) image is added, the corresponding change to image scale can appear significant. This also has the effect of diminishing image quality, especially if the uploaded Featured Image is of average file size/quality.

    To such ends, this is, in my opinion, the reason why WordPress doesn’t include portrait-oriented (vertical) images in any of its “Live Demo” theme views.

    As someone whose web site uses a substantial quantity of images, many of which vary in size, as added over the past 15 years, this image management issue is problematic.

    While previously using the FSE Stewart theme, WordPress Support shared with me “Additional CSS” which would allow Featured Images to display in the original dimension, as uploaded. I’ve tried this code:

    .wp-block-post-featured-image img {
    width: unset;

    …on other FSE themes, but without success, and have a current Request for help through WordPress Support.

    As @jadenicolebee notes, the display on mobile phones looks correct, but not so on other devices – laptops, desktops.

    Hopefully, WordPress can provide a simple solution to resolve this issue, without requiring theme-specific CSS.

  • Typo Correction: paragraph three… “Index template” should read as “Single template”. TY

  • Hopefully, WordPress can provide a simple solution to resolve this issue, without requiring theme-specific CSS.

    At this time, there is not.

    @jadenicolebee: Since you have the Premium plan, you do have access to the CSS editor. Could you try the CSS @flyingdisc provided above?

    .wp-block-post-featured-image img {
    width: unset;

    I’ve let the theme developers know about this as well.

    I hope that helps!

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