How can i make my blog popular

  • Oi!, im only trying to help, Ok >:) if you really think im wrong, name every single topic that ive answered wrong, Oh yea, I did read it, and Answering worng questions on the forum isant ‘Spaming’.

  • the best thing to do now is to stop fighting.

  • I have been avertising my blog thank you very much!

  • @peza679
    This is a technical support forum for those who have wor5dpress.COM blogs. If you have a support question to ask you are free to post. If you have an answer to another member’s question you are free to post. What you have done here is spamming plain and simple. You have been reported to Staff. Do NOT do this again.

  • @peza679’s post has been removed.

  • Be very popular, or be very unpopular.

    Either way gets you noticed and hits.

    For me, like most bloggers, I blog for fun. As long things are normal and working, that’s fine.

  • i have never bbloged before just started and having read this because i wnat to start communicating via blog has blown my mind slightly. just didnt expect peole to be rude to other people who are helping them. i am going to try some of the stuff talked about in these replies but just remember that littlies like me know nothing and want to learn! ta chri55mus

  • I’m a newbie looking to increase traffic. I have to admit, I am over the top satisfied with the two weeks performance. I have had 213 hits to date starting on Halloween. I enjoy blogging and love writing. I just have read about this site where I can get lots and lots of hits, but I’m beginning to think I am going to have to follow your advice and gradually build an audience. I don’t understand how I can use social media such as twitter to promote my site. I think I will figure it out. In the mean time, thanks for the above comments and please feel free to read my site. I am an American woman living in Italy dedicating the blog to personal growth, motivation, positive thinking and living life to its fullest. Julie

  • Oooh, this thread seems to b e attracting more than its share of incompetent spam. If you can’t handle spamming a forum, you certainly can’t teach work at home scams.

  • @jangelos
    (1) You have said: “I don’t understand how I can use social media such as twitter to promote my site.” This post will help you learn what you need to know about twitter, social media and social networking and this one will introduce you to friendfeed

    (2) This post will assist you to build a comprehensive blog promotion strategy

    (3) If you wish to promote your blog on you may NOT do that in technical support threads. You may post your blog promotion ONLY in the Showcase forum. Here’s the link

    If you wish to make the threads you post into the Showcase Forum effective when it comes to attracting readers then please include answers to the following questions when you post there:
    (a) What is your blog about?
    (b) What makes your blog contents unique from all other contents in blogs in the same niche?
    (c) WIIFM? What’s in it for me? How will any other blogger clicking your link benefit from visiting your blog?
    (1) W

  • The topic ‘How can i make my blog popular’ is closed to new replies.