How can I list all my post titles and their respective tags?

  • Trying to list all (250) posts and All of their respective tags. With this info, I will try to identify which tags can be dropped and better streamline my blog site. Something like [archives] would be great, but I don’t think I can say something like: [archives + tags]. Can I? Is there something that can do this.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There is not, short of doing it manually. You can set the Dashboard Posts page to display up to 50 at a time, I believe, and edit tags there.

  • I thank you very much for replying. I set the limit to 50…and noticed that their was an option to display “TAGS”. I clicked on that as well. The end result was that each post was listed… and with their tags. I highlighted the fields that I wanted, copied and pasted to excel. I NOW have all that I wanted in a workable format. I have been scratching my head for at least a week. You helped me get resolution in a matter of minutes. Thank you raincoaster, from the bottom of my heart. God bless you. Thanks.

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