How can I have 2 WP addresses for the same blog?

  • I am starting a blog at, but just realized that I would like to have the same blog at So i took that address also, but can´t find the way to have the content of one blog under two addresses. So, in the second one, I put a link to the first one.

    Can I do anything else????

    Be careful! Dont start talking about codes, feeds, htmls, sqls or 2.whatever, ´cause my blogging knowledge is very limited.



  • I believe that currently the only way to do this is to post twice.

    If you write your content in the first blog then you can just copy and paste to the second blog.

    Choose the right theme and it will only show the posting date, not the time.

    I don’t think there’s another way to do this at the moment.


  • I vote for coping and pasting into the second blog as well.

  • Ok. Thanks.

  • If you don’t want to Copy-Paste an alternative is used a fixed front page on one address, with a description/whatever and a link through to the other (actual) blog.

    That way you save the clicky-click & have all your stats in one place. Obviously it’s not ideal but you only really want to be giving out a single address anyway.

    Other people with a non-wordpress domain & host combo you can do some fancy redirecting (for example, my site forwards anything to including any URL, e.g. redirects to ) using PHP & .htaccess.

    Might be an option for you, though you will have to pay for hosting :)

  • There is also a plugin (Blogger API) that will allow cross posting from a WP blog hosted elsewhere into a blog using the xmlrpc.php file. I’m sort of using it. It was a pain to setup but once it’s up and running, it’s fine.

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