How can I fix the distorted images on my blog?

  • absurdoldbird · Member ·

    By the way, they are all .PNG images that are having this problem by the look of it. Probaby .PNG converted from .bmp files created in Microsoft Paint.

    @lauravar – did you save your screenshots in Paint?

  • I take the screenshots in Paint Shop Pro, save them as PNGs and edit and save them (as PNGs) in MS Paint v5.1. All my images are PNGs. It is the same process I have followed since the start of my blog, 5 years ago.

    BTW, my husband, whose computer is next to mine at home, has seen this problem before, too. But today, the first page of my site looks fine on his computer, but the second page (starting with post on 2/12) contains the distorted images and bars. But on my computer, the first page contains the distorted images — but only on screenshots that are text-only.

  • absurdoldbird · Member ·

    Then I think it’s got to be related to MS Paint.

  • absurdoldbird · Member ·

    My images are showing properly now. So I’ll leave this thread. Thank you to whoever sorted it out. :)

  • My images seem to work now, thanks very much!

  • @elodieunderglass-Odd, for me I’m seeing all the images in that post OK now except for this one, which still shows up for me in the post as having vertical bars on it, like my screenshot above.

    Still Chrome 24 on Win7.

  • Hi again all, thank you for your input.

    I checked with our developers about what might be causing this image display issue and how to resolve it. The “barred images” are seldom reported (we only had a handful of similar reports so far), and there are several technical factors at play causing this particular issue, making it something that cannot be “fixed” right away.

    A workaround that works for most users is to re-save the “problematic” images as RGB (rather than sRGB) and to re-insert them into blog posts. Look for “Mode” settings (Photoshop) or something similar in your image editing program.

    Folks that saw their images with black bars, could you please give it a try on your blogs and let me know how it works for you?

  • absurdoldbird · Member ·

    @jenia – Instead of saving as RGB, I’ve just resaved the .PNG files as .jpg’s and that has worked. I now need to go back through older posts and make sure that the previous few .PNG’s I saved from .bmp files are showing properly. Thank you anyway.

  • I just re-saved the images as .jpegs and reuploaded. Unfortunately cannot do them all quickly , and so let it lapse …. but now I am rushing to get the important ones done because I’ve gotten another FP (thanks WordPress!) and all of the interesting posts that new visitors might enjoy look like they’re full of abstract barcodes.

    c’est la vie!

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