How can I customize the other pages other than homepage

  • Hello
    I want to remove this picture present in blog page and other menus part but I can’t?
    Also how can reorganize the appearance of these pages(blogs, lectures and so on ) I want to add block?
    I want to remove the newest things to appear in homepage and replace it by about me ?

    Site: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

  • Hi there — we’re happy to help. Can you clarify what you mean?

    I want to remove this picture present in blog page and other menus part but I can’t?

    Which picture are you referring to? Do you mean the logo at the top?

    If so, that will appear on all pages with this theme, but you do have a few options:

    – Switch to a theme that lets you build pages individually

    – Use a CSS snippet to hide the image on all pages except the home page

    You would need the Premium plan for that option, but it comes with many other perks, including direct support.

    This CSS snippet would do the trick to hide it from all pages but Home, and you can add that under Customize > CSS.

    .site-logo-link { 
      display: none;
    .home .site-logo-link {
      display: block

    Let us know if you need more help!

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