How can I create a blog title that has 2 word that are of different color?

  • Hi,

    So I would like to have a blog title that has 2 words and those words are of different color. Can anybody help me please?

    I understand that the Blog title and Tagline apear in the Header Wrapper. So if I could find this Wrapper then I could erase the original Blog title and Wrapper code and fill in what I wish? If this is true then maybe someone knows where this magical wrapper is? :)

  • Please paste the URL of your blog when asking questions here, or link your username to your blog (as explained in the sticky “8 Things to Know Before Posting”). We can’t help without that.

  • The only way is to put the title into a header image. Since the theme you have chosen does not have a custom header image option, you cannot do it with your theme.

    This blog posts tells which themes here have a custom header option and also the option to hide the standard title/tagline text, which you need to be able to do if you are going to put the title into the image itself: .

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