How can I change the colors of the page names?

  • Can I change the color of the page names on the header in the Zoren theme without upgrading? They are grey and hard to read with my green background.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    There isn’t a way to change the color of the header text without the Custom Design upgrade, but the Zoren theme should adapt to your custom background color. It should pick a color for your header text that works with your background color, and I see what you mean about the text being hard to read with your green background.

    I’ve reported this to our team, so they can take a look. I’ll let you know what they say! Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.

  • Hi there,

    It is not possible to change the color of the menu links without the Custom Design upgrade.

    However, you can change the color of the site title and description without upgrading. Just go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize, and under “Colors”, you’ll see an option to change the Header Text color.

    Without the upgrade, Zoren works best with lighter background colors. However, with the Custom Design upgrade, the menu links would automatically adjust so that they are readable against the darker green background. Plus, you would be able to tweak the colors further using Custom CSS.

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any other questions!


  • Hi Michelle,

    This is very disappointing. I really like the dark green background. I also like the Zoren theme, and it was very easy to change to it.

    The Custom Design Upgrade is $30, but is that per month, per year or a one time fee?

    Thanks for your help, esteemed theme wrangler!


  • Hi Brenda, the Custom Design upgrade is $30 per year. Not only does it allow you to adjust the colours of almost any aspect of the theme, it lets you modify things like spacing, and even lets you hide elements you’d rather not see. It can be a very handy upgrade indeed.

    Just let me know if you have any other questions!

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