How can I block ALL comments?

  • I never receive any comments relevant to my posts. All I get is spam, and I’m tired of deleting spam. It’s just plain depressing. Is there anyway that we can simply block ALL comments?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • All WordPress blogs by default have comments open on all Pages and Posts as in evidenced own your own blog. You can enable and disable comments on free hosted blogs on this page > Settings > Discussion
    Discussion settings is where you set up defaults for comments.

    You can also override the default settings and enable or disable future comments on any individual post or page.

    Note: By default, new blogs on will have the Discussion hidden. You can reveal it by clicking on Screen Options on the top right corner of your Admin page, and checking the box that says Discussion so the module is included.

  • Any existing posts or pages will need to have comments disabled manually via editing. You can use the bulk edit feature in the all posts and all pages screen to make that quicker.

  • Thanks, Timethief. I believe your responses will help alleviate my problem. However, I will have to print your comments and show them to a geek friend of mine so he can demonstrate how to apply them. My grasp of computer terminology is quite limited and I don’t want to mess this procedure up. Thanks again for your time and attention.
    Bob Litton

  • Good morning, Timethief —

    Well, anyway, it’s morning here in Texas, but I don’t know where you are, so I hope I’m catching you at a convenient time.
    I went ahead and dove into altering my blog site without my friend’s assistance, but following your instructions as well as I can understand them.
    I succeeded, I believe, in eliminating all the “Comments” boxes for my posts to date. At least I believe I changed all 18; I only checked on about three random ones.
    However, I still have one remaining burr under my saddle: the “About” section. On the “Show on screen” page, where there are several small boxes, the one marked “Comments” is already vacant; but when I view the “About” section, that triangle for “Leave comment here” is still there. How do I get rid of it?
    Thanks for your kind assistance in the past. Be kind again.
    Bob Litton

  • Nope. Thanks mucho anyway.

    I’m wondering if part of the problem could be that the blogger is supposed to “click” Update after making any change, but there is no Updatebutton on that page.

    I did find the “About” item by clicking on “Pages” on the “Dashboard” page; in other words, “About” is not a “Post”; it’s a “Page”. And I went through all the motions there, making sure that the “Comments” square was unchecked and then clicking on the “Apply” button. I think that eliminated the small “Comment” at the top of the post “View” page, but it didn’t affect the “Enter comment here” rectangle at the bottom of the page.

    My only hope at this point, apparently, is that those slimy sunglasses, ladies’ bags, and porno pushers will not bother with the “About” page. Still, they have gotten to me through that portal before, so they might try it again.

    I sincerely do appreciate your efforts to help.
    Bob Litton

  • I’m wondering if part of the problem could be that the blogger is supposed to “click” Update after making any change, but there is no Updatebutton on that page.

    The big blue Update button is in the publish module.

  • I know. I clicked it at least twice, probably as many as four times: no dice.

  • I’ll tag this thread for Staff assistance. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • I started the thread, didn’t I?

    So how do I “subscribe” to it.


  • Look below each comment box for this:
    __ Notify me of followup posts via e-mail

  • It was already checked.

    Sheesh! You are one really fast lady! (I don’t mean that in the back alley sense.)


  • Hi boblitton,

    I have removed the comments box from your About page for you. :)

  • Thanks so very much, Jackie.

    Since “About” is a


    — a supposedly permanent page (although I have edited it several times) — I hope your achievement means I won’t have to delete the comments box in the “About” section when I post future essays, etc.

    I realize I will have to delete the box connected with any future


    , but that little task is a small price to pay for the benefit of eluding spammers.

    I sure would like to know why I couldn’t eliminate the box myself, but I don’t want to take up any more of your time.

    I appreciate you.
    Bob Litton

  • Hi boblitton,

    Neither posts nor pages are “permanent” in that you can always modify their content. But unless and until you do so, they should stay the way they are now.

    If you modify the text of the About page, the comments box will not reappear unless you enable comments by selecting the checkbox to do so below the editor window.

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  • Boy howdy! You and “D.” (the girl with hair in her face) are really fast on the keyboard! Or do you have a system whereby you simply speak at the computer and it types out your messages? You don’t have to reply if you don’t want to. That was more of an exclamation than a question.

    Whew! Fast, fast, fast!


  • Don’t tell anyone but we’re all actually cyborgs with computer chip brain implants. ;)

    In all seriousness… I’m glad timethief and I could help. I’m going to close out this thread, but feel free to post again if you have more questions!

  • The topic ‘How can I block ALL comments?’ is closed to new replies.