How can I add a link into the template Header using CSS

  • Please Help!

    I need to add a link into the header at the top of my template. Can anyone tell me how to add this into the CSS? What would the code be?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Your blog isn’t hosted here at The forums at WordPresss.ORG would be more appropriate.

  • Actually, my site is hosted here at, it is not a self hosted site. Any ideas?

  • We don’t have access to the underlying theme files at wordpress.COM, and this isn’t something that can really be done with CSS. CSS is for styling, not for adding functionality.

    There is this trick for adding an external link via the top navigation tabs, but staff seems bent on taking away some of the “tricks” we all have found so no telling if this trick will be one of the ones that go away. It isn’t entirely clean with the Pressrow theme, but it isn’t too bad.

    Page tabs as extra links

  • It can be done with a bit of clever thinking and good understanding of CSS!

    Create a linklist, which contains only the link you would like to have in the header.
    Now show that linklist in a widget. Note that each linklist has it’s unique id!

    <div id=”linkcat-32447927″…

    Now you can use this id as a selector to reposition that block into the intended position of your header.

    Hope it helps


  • Kilibee, what you suggest is way over my head. If I want to add the code below within my header how do I do this? I know how to use a text widget, but that’s about it.

    <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’′></script>

  • P.S. I am trying to add this to theme “Greenery”.

  • @carlaspacher
    Hello there. Please be aware that javascript cannot be used on blogs and there are other coder restrictions as well. Read > There are mybloglog badges you can use but you cannot use th widgets due to the javascript.

    Also note that thesacredpath has supplied the correct answer to the original question that was posed in this thread.

  • Well, Carla, what you’re trying to do here is loading a script from another site, and I can almost guarantee that this will never be allowed here for good reasons.

    BTW you’re highjacking a thread with a quite different topic….

  • Sorry, Michael, my bad. When I go to your blog now, I do indeed see the navbar at the top.

    I second the points about the CSS hacks made by kilibee and tsp.

  • Sorry, about being off topic! I do not have the upgrade for CSS. I found my answer and was able to work around it by add the link in a tab as the title. Thanks, though!

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