Hosting Traffic Limits Pro Plan

  • I currently have a hobby website that can receive between 500k-1m+ views a month depending on what is hot at the moment. I am currently shopping around to see if I can find a better deal than what I am currently paying for hosting.

    I see the words ‘Unlimited Traffic’ on the pro plan, but I really need to confirm this because the last time I moved my hosting, it went down within 4 hours because I hit my view limit for the month and then I had to pay $$$$ to get my site back up.

    Thank you in advance! Unknown
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi @otomeobsessed, we don’t have a traffic limit on the Pro Plan, so you’d be good to go on that.

    The site import is a bit different here, but we have this:

    You’ll also get direct support with the pro plan & can contact us if you need any assistance.

    Hoping this helps!

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