homepage uses the index template

  • Your homepage uses the Index template

    what is this mean

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    This means you have not set any particular page to appear on the homepage of your site. Instead, it’s displaying the Index Template, which means you’ll find there a list of all your blog posts.

    Here’s you can read more about it:

    7 min read
    A template controls the layout of your pages. Not to be confused with Themes (that set the design of your entire site), the template affects the look and feel of an individual page (or post) or groups of pages (or posts.) This guide explains how to work with page templates. Introduction to Templates The template controls how the page is displayed. You can identify the template a page
    Templates » Edit the Index and All Archives Templates
    7 min read
    The Index and All Archives templates are used to display blog posts on pages of your site. This guide will show you how to customize these templates. About the Index and All Archives Templates If your site uses a theme that supports the site editor, you can access and edit the templates. A quick way to determine if your site uses the site editor is to check for Appearance → Editor in your 
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