Homepage of Blog Post from a Specific Category/Tag

  • I would like my homepage to populate with blog post that are from a specific tag or category. I would also like to build a section/page that only shows blog post from a specific tag or category. Is this possible in the .com world? I recall being able to do it in .org.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Since your first question is a bit more complicated, I am going to answer your second question first.

    In order to learn how to create pages that show blog posts from specific categories, take a look at the following article:

    Organize Posts with Categories

    While this article is specifically written for categories, it should work the same way for tags.

    As for populating your homepage with posts from specific categories or tags, there are a couple of different options. One option is to find a theme that is capable of doing so. You can check and see if you can do this with your current theme or search for more themes that can show content based on certain categories.

    The support article on Featured Content will show you one way that you can choose specific categories for your homepage using certain themes. You can find that article here:


    A second option you have for your homepage is to add a plugin that can do this for you. I did a quick search and found the plugin, “Front Page Category,” which will allow you to select which categories show up or don’t show up on your homepage. If you do some searching I am sure you will find more like it or one that best suits your needs. Plugins can only be added if you subscribe to the Business Plan. Here’s some info on Front Page Category:


    Hope this helps!

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