Homepage formatting error (since the beginning)

  • I’m having an irritating issue with the formatting of posts that appear on the homepage. This even happened with the ‘test post’ “Hello World” once I loaded the theme; I assumed maybe it was a temporary bug, but now all my posts have the same problem.

    The information that should be at the left side of the post (date, category, etc) is thrown off to the right side and appears in a long column, with each row containing one letter. It extends waaaay past the post excerpt and looks atrocious. I’m using a free WP account and have no CSS experience, so I haven’t edited a thing. Thoughts on how to fix it?

    Here’s a link to a post I made on Reddit that includes an image of the issue (assuming it’s not just my local display problem).

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi ejaffe20! It looks like you’re using the query block loop — which is a new feature — on an older theme that might not support it well.

    I’ll get a report filed on that, but in the meantime, would you be willing to try out one of the other post blocks? There are a few of them. Try hitting enter after your initial content, then typing /post . You’ll see a few different options. I’d recommend testing them out with Preview to see what you like best, and adjusting the settings as you like.

  • Hi there,
    I’m super new to WP, so I’m not sure what query block loop refers to? Is that the “read more” section I put in under that first paragraph? If so, this issue actually occurred before I made that change; even with just regular text the display was still wonky.

    Otherwise, just on the homepage, the recent posts appear there by default. Would I have to delete them manually or is there a setting I can alter? I assume I’d be replacing those default-occurring posts with a type of /post block, correct?

  • Ahh, I just hit “remove query loop” on that page and replaced it with /post titles, that seems to have helped! However, I hadn’t changed anything at the beginning so I’m wondering if this bug is present in the theme from the beginning.

  • ** Make that, /posts list. It seems to perform the same function as the query loop (which I still don’t understand but ok)

  • I should’ve put this all in one post, but anyways, one more thing:

    Is there a way to change the column width for the theme (so, for the homepage and on post pages) while using the free version of WP? I’ve noticed it’s pretty skinny for desktop and leads to long blocks of text, however all the other theme elements were attractive to me.

  • Hi there,

    However, I hadn’t changed anything at the beginning so I’m wondering if this bug is present in the theme from the beginning.

    That block was part of the page content. The Zoologist theme you had on the site originally uses that block in the default front page that’s created when the theme is activated, so that’s why it was present on the page – changing themes only changes the design, not the content of the page, so that wouldn’t have removed the query loop block.

    Is there a way to change the column width for the theme (so, for the homepage and on post pages) while using the free version of WP? I’ve noticed it’s pretty skinny for desktop and leads to long blocks of text, however all the other theme elements were attractive to me.

    It’s possible, but not on the free plan. For this type of change you need to add custom CSS code to override your theme’s design, and that requires our Premium Plan.

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