Homepage Featured Pages Natural

  • I have three featured pages displayed on my homepage. They used to be listed under the Homepage settings, where I could switch them around/change them. But this detail seems to have disappeared and my chosen pages are no longer listed. I’d like to switch the order, but I’m not sure how to do this now … the theme is Natural, which I have just been told has been retired. Any advice?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Happy to help you with this.

    The featured pages can be found via Appearance > Customize > Theme options > Homepage.

    What pages are you looking to set as the featured pages.

    A theme can still be used if it’s retired, the only difference is that if there’s a bug at any point it’s unlikely to be fixed.

    I hope this helps thus far.

  • Hi there – yes, that’s the location I’m looking in. So, I have 3 pages that have for a long time been my featured pages, and they were until recently listed there: About – Coming Soon – Newsletter. They ARE still featured pages on my homepage, but when I go to Appearance > Customise > Theme options > Homepage Settings they are no longer listed. Instead it now states that Welcome is my static homepage. It’s very confusing …

  • Aha – I’ve sussed it! Thanks :)

  • Ah awesome! Glad you managed to figure that out.

    Let us know if we can be of any further assistance.

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