Homepage Button links to a login screen, not directly to designated linked page

  • The button on the homepage of my blog does not take you to the linked page but instead to a login screen. Would appreciate any help, thanks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,
    I opened venheven.com and found that the homepage link in the top menu links to https://venheven.com/ So, from an outsider perspective, it’s working as expected. I’m guessing you’re seeing something different because you’re logged into WordPress.com as the administrator of the site. If you logout and try the link again, that may help. Let us know if this doesn’t answer your question.


  • Hi Jenine,

    Thank you for the quick response and for taking a look. The “Let’s go” button link in question is to the “Venheven titles” page, not the homepage. I’m sorry if my wording may have been confusing, I meant that the button having issues was located on the homepage. The “Let’s go” button is linked to the same page as the one in the menu “Venheven titles”, but for some reason when friends would click the button it would bring them to a login screen and when I tested the button out while not logged in to my account it would also bring me to a login screen rather than the page. The menu link to “Venheven Titles” worked for all of us so it is only the button having issues. The kicker is while I am logged in the button link works. Could the problem have to do with the menu and button linking to the same page? Look forward to responses.


  • Hi Tristan,

    You have entered the wrong link in that button. The correct link to that page is this:


    To change this open your home page on the editor, click on the Button block, and then click on the Edit next to the link.

  • Hi fstat,

    Such large headaches from, in the end, a small issue haha. Thank you for helping me resolve the issue and to all who responded.

    Warm regards,

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