Homepage blog post featured images aren't changing

  • Hello,

    I have posted two blog posts so far and both the featured images are the showing up the same (they are not meant to be). Even though the images when I go into the “posts” section are different. Both the images showing up are the featured image from the first blog post.

    How do I change it so the selected featured image from each post shows up on the homepage correctly?

    My website is https://walking9til5.wordpress.com/

    Thank you!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Out of curiosity, did you change the featured image for your most recent post “Route Planning JOGLE” so that the image that is there is not the image that was originally set?

    If so it can be the case sometimes that our internal caching will not show that us updated but it should do so within 24 hours or so.

    If its been 24 hours and you are still seeing it (or of course if it’s showing an image you never set as featured) let us know and we can take a closer look!

  • Hi,

    On the WordPress app every blog post we create shows the different respective featured images we choose. But on the actual WordPress website they all show the same featured image, which is frustrating as we don’t want all the same image to feature each time as the blog picture

    Can you look into it please?

    Kind Regards,


  • Hello,

    I don’t know if you can help with this as we have no idea when it happened, but

    We just checked our route planning blog post (2nd one) and the crucial list on there has disappeared without either of us doing anything.

    Is there a way we can get this back?

    Many thanks,


  • Hi,

    If you go to “post revisions” and restore the most recent version (before the current one), it looks like that should restore your list.


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