
  • Hi! So I am trying to make the homepage be the place where the blog posts are written and viewed, but every time I click ‘home’ it takes me to another page with a post that says ‘home’ written on it and it won’t go away.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there!

    It sounds like you may want to adjust your settings for your homepage display!

    This option is found under the “Reading” settings in your wp-admin panel. The direct link would be whitworth2016thisibelieve.wordpress.com/wp-admin/options-reading.php

    Select the option “Your Latest Posts” to display your posts on the homepage instead of a static page.

    I hope this helps!

  • Thanks! That seems to work, but when I click on the “Home” button at the top of the page, it takes me to another page that doesn’t have the blog posts on it anymore, and that’s where I’m stuck.

  • Hello again!

    Got it, that makes sense. Since the blog is marked as private, I can’t visit it directly to confirm, but it sounds like the menu you are using has a link to the “Homepage” but it’s actually a static page.

    When you hover over the “Home” menu button, what URL pops up for you? For instance, on my blog, when I hover the “Home” button, it’s just the homepage of my site http://(example).wordpress.com

  • I think that might be the issue…when I hover over it, it gives the website title.wordpress.com/home/

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