Home page template

  • Hi guys!
    I’m restyling my blog and I need to show the right column in the initial page.
    Now I can only see the last two articles in chronological order but the third column remains empty.
    How can I do? Yhe wordpress theme is Baskerville…
    Please help me!
    Thanks, Patrizia

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Patrizia,

    Baskerville is set up to display listings of posts in three columns and it’s not possible to add a sidebar alongside these. A sidebar is only displayed on individual posts or pages.

    If it’s important to display a sidebar on your home page, then you could consider setting a static front page in place of the listing of your posts.

    We have guidance on how you can set up a static front page here:

    Set the Homepage

    Let me know if that helps out or if you have any extra questions.


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