home page recent and previous posts

  • When on my home page…which I believe is hometogo232 should recent and previous posts show as a widget? If so why does it not seem to on mine? I am still trying to understand all of this and finding it confusing

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • This is the URL for your blog. http://hometogo232.wordpress.com/ Please consider linking it to your username. It’s very easy to do. Here’s how to link your username to your blog in your blog Dashboard -> Users -> Personal Settings -> then scroll down to Account Details. Then scroll down to where it says ‘Primary Blog‘ select the URL for your primary wordpress.com blog and then save changes.

    Now every time you sign into the forum we can all click on your username and your blog will be linked to it. And every time you leave a comment on a blog your username can be likewise clicked and your blog can be instantly located.

  • This is the Ari theme description > http://theme.wordpress.com/themes/ari/
    This is the live demo site > http://aridemo.wordpress.com/

    Widget Areas
    Ari offers two optional widget areas in both left and right sidebar. If you prefer a two-column design, you may leave the secondary sidebar empty and then posts will fill the remaining width of the layout.

    Note: The left sidebar is fixed in this theme so it is safe to not to have many widgets in the left sidebar for your readers who are viewing from smaller screens.

  • I would not choose to post a calendar widget in that left sidebar that has limited space. I would go here > Appearance > Widgets and install a Recent Posts widget instead.

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