Home Page problems

  • Okay. Hopefully staff can see my site — it has not officially launched yet for various reasons.

    I am using the luce theme. This may become relevant later when I talk about social media sharing buttons.

    Long story short, I made two new pages (‘About’ and ‘Contact’ and those pages are both fine) and am pleased that social media buttons for sharing are at the bottom of the page. (I found that setting in tools -> marketing -> sharing buttons)

    My home page does not display social media buttons for sharing. When I created my ‘about’ and ‘contact’ pages the social media sharing buttons did show up. So I thought that if I created a brand new homepage that the social media sharing buttons might show up, they did not. Perhaps my theme does not support sharing buttons on the front page.

    Anyway. Here’s my problem.

    (1) Along the top of my site, I have two “Sunshine Puzzle Company” in the menu. I just need one. Both pages display the same text — which leads me to problem (2)

    (2) However, it’s not the correct text. The text I want to publish is actually inside the page — I see it when I edit the page, but text is not publishing to my site.

    Any help or advise you can offer me related to my problems (1) and (2) would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • P.S. Okay, I think I solved problem (2) on my own. I was poking around in my dashboard and overall settings and somehow I edited the homepage template for my site. I added the text that I wanted to see, published, and I’m good to go.

    However, I still please need help with problem (1) My menu that runs along the top of my site has two ‘Sunshine Puzzle Company’ My menu says:

    Sunshine Puzzle Company – About – Contact – Sunshine Puzzle Company

    I would only like one Sunshine Puzzle Company to appear in the menu.

    Again, any help or advice would be much appreciated. I don’t think I can figure this one out by myself as I can’t find any admin settings for my menu.

    thank you

  • I think I solved problem (1)

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