Home page not displaying menu

  • Very new to this so please excuse my inexperience…

    I am in the process of building my website and have added a menu to my home page, however, I have just gone to edit this page via ‘pages’ and the menu is not displayed (looks like a previous version).

    If i click on coming soon the home page loads with the menu on it?

    Any help will be appreciated

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there! So I understand, could you tell me a little more about the menu you added to your home page? For example, what is in the menu that I should be looking for?

    Once I know what to specifically look for I’m sure we can help you get this sorted out. :)

  • Morning
    Thanks for your reply.
    I may have sorted it! I have a menu on the Home page with links to my other pages. When I edit the home page I do not see the menu, 1 at the top & 1 at the bottom. However, when I view the site through the ‘coming soon’ link both menus are there.
    Hope this makes sense to you

  • Hi Steve,

    The menu will be displayed across all your pages; you wouldn’t be able to edit it when editing a particular page. Instead, you’ll go to the Customizer>Menus.

    Here’s some more information about that:


    I hope that helps :)

  • Hi

    Yes this has helped.


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