Highlight category of a post in menu title

  • Hi i want to highlight which category a post is in as I am reading it by highlighting it (eg title text changes colour – black) on the visible navigation menu title for that category. I have a premium upgrade so can add css and am working with the spun theme.

    I’m preferring not to show it in footer metadata if possible – but if I need to do that instead if anyone can suggest the css for that too.


  • Hi there, the following will, I think, get you what you are looking for.

    .current-post-parent a {
    	color: #000;

    You will notice that the link in the menu of the category for the post is darker, but still grayish. The reason for this is that there is an opacity set for the entire header area which only goes away when the header area is hovered. To get the highlighted category to appear fully black, you can add the following as well.

    .site-header, .entry-meta-wrapper, .comment-meta, .page-links span.active-link, .page-links a span.active-link {
        opacity: 1;
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