Hiding Headings

  • Friends, I’m using the Titan theme, and I need it to show just an uploaded video and the title above it. Everything else should be hidden.

    I haven’t had much success finding CSS code to eliminate extra verbiage, like Recent Posts, Categories, Archives and that pesky 2011 date. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, first off at Customize > CSS, I would deselect the Don’t use the theme’s original CSS. At WordPress.com, unless you plan on recreating all the CSS from scratch, which is a very advanced, complex and time consuming thing, you write CSS rules to override the existing CSS. Your custom CSS is loaded after the original CSS, so your changes take precedence.

    After making the above change, the following will hide everything except for the video, site title, navigation and the footer credits. You are not allowed to hide or edit the WordPress.com and theme footer credits per our Terms of Service (#1 Attribution). See the Frequently Asked Questions on the Custom Design support page for more information.

    You are allowed to restyle the footer credits to better fit with your design as long as they remain readable, and you are also allowed to add text to the footer, such as a copyright statement. If you need help restyling, or adding to, the existing footer credits, let us know and we would be happy to help..

  • Oops, I forgot to paste in the CSS for you.

    .blog #sidebar, .blog .post-header, .blog .post-edit-link {
        display: none;
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