Hide "Comments are closed" in Benevolence

  • Hi there!

    I’ve disabled (almost) all comments on my blog. However, there are several pages that display “Comments are closed” (like this one).

    I’ve lurked at the forums and tried with

    .com {


    .commentsblock {

    but it seems not to work. Is there something I’m doing wrong?
    Please help me!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • First off, you need to add the footer credits you have hidden back into the theme. It is against the terms of service here to remove them.

    Benevolence is a really, really, really, really old theme and there is no selector class or ID assigned to the comments are closed text so there is no way to hide it and no way to change its color either without changing the color of a bunch of other stuff.

  • We can probably add a class for the “Comments are closed” paragraph in Benevolence. I’ll see about getting that added.

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