hidden header seeks editing

  • how can i merge the header into the body? i want just one whole page i can easily edit.

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • To clarify, my site page is whatweretheythinkinggames.com and you will see a logo, and two lines of “An incubator…” and a Facebook link. I cannot find where i can edit this section. Everything else below those three items I can edit.


  • Hi there,

    It appears those edits were made directly in the page template for the site, which is essentially the wrapper that every page uses. The header, footer, and other elements that dictate the look of your site. From the admin area of your site you can click the Site Editor option under the Appearance tab. Here is the directly link to take you right there: https://optimisticspudsmctaterface.wordpress.com/wp-admin/site-editor.php

    From that view you will be able to see and edit the header text, and this change will affect all pages of your site since the header shows up on other pages as well as your homepage (they all use the same template, and put their text/content in the center.)

    Hope that helps. Please let us know if you have any more questions.

  • Thank you staff-totoro! =)

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